MythTV on Fedora Core 1
- a New Zealand (and Linux N00b) Perspective-

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Set up MythTV » Visit Jarods Guide »

Okay - here's where things got very region specific. Jarods guide refers to using Zap2it as a listings source, this is fine if you're in America, but for everyone else, he suggests an alternate listing guide. I chose XMLTV as, well it is the only guide available for NZ that I could find.

The BIG note is, you must use XMLTV version 5.33 or earlier as after 5.33, support for New Zealand listings was dropped because of the lack of commercial program guides and the people who own the programming information continually changing their pages in an attempt to block scraping the code for the current listing data.
Commercial EPG discussions aside, the below steps were required to install and configure XMLTV, given the lack of commercial backing, XMLTV may not be working by the time you attempt this yourself, good luck.

Setting Up XMLTV for New Zealand

You will need to get the version 5.33 RPM as this is the last release before NZ listings support was dropped.

# cd /home/mythtv/Downloads/xmltv-0.5.33
  • You will then have to compile and install - I used the following commands:
# perl Makefile.PL
This will ask if you want to install everything (default is yes). I chose no as I'm only interested in the NZ data. You are then asked what to install. Choose:
  • tv_grab_nz
  • tv_check
  • tv_pick_cgi
# make
# make test
# make install
Now XMLTV is installed we need to configure and run it to pull down the channel information.
$ cd /home/mythtv/
$ tv_grab_nz --configure
$ tv_grab_nz
Okay - now we need to make sure our mythtv user can run mythtv...
Creating Folders for Myth & Setting Permissions
It's quite possible/probable that I missed this in the instructions, but I found that after setup - I needed to create the /video/recordings and /video/buffer directories and allow the user 'mythtv' to play with them. With a default setup, some folders are owned by root but MythTV is run as the user MythTV thus the permissions need to be changed.

To fix this we need to:

# cd /var/lib
# ls -la
# chown mythtv:mythtv myth*
# chown mythtv:mythtv pictures*
# chown mythtv:mythtv games*
You'll also need to make sure that mythtv can write to the /video mountpoint
# chown mythtv:mythtv /video
$ mkdir /video/recordings
$ mkdir /video/buffer
Okay - NOW we can setup mythtv!

The MythTVSetup Application

To start the MythTV setup process you'll need an X session as the setup utility is an X application. Type the following command:

$ mythtvsetup

Would you like to clear all capture card settings before starting configuration? [no]

Select the default option unless this is your first time into MythTV Setup and/or something weird is happenning with your config.

Would you like to clear all program/channel settings before starting configuration? [no]

Again, defaults are your friend subject to the caveat above.

The X application should now start and present you with the following options:


Host Address Backend Setup (Screen #1)

IP Address for [BOXNAME]:
Port the server runs on: 6554
Port the server shows status on: 6543
Master Server IP Address:
Port the master server runs on: 6543

These are the default values - I just left them as is.

Host-specific Backend Setup (Screen #2)

Directory to hold recordings: /video/recordings
Directory to hold the Live-TV buffers: /video/buffer
Live TV buffer (GB): 5
Minimum free Live TV buffer (MB): 50
Save original files after transcoding: <Unchecked>

Global Backend Setup (Screen #3)

TV Format: PAL
VBI format: PAL Teletext
Channel frequency table: newzealand
Time offset for XMLTV listings: None
Master Backend Override: <Unchecked>

Shutdown/Wakeup Options (Screen #4)

Startup Command: <Blank>
Block shutdown before client connected: <Checked>
Idle timeout (secs): 0
Max. wait for recording (min): 15
Startup before rec. (secs): 120
Wakeup time format: hh:mm yyyy-MM-dd
Set wakeuptime command: <Blank>
Server halt command: sudo /sbin/halt -p
Pre Shutdown check-command: <Blank>

Shutdown/Wakeup Options (Screen #4)

Master Backend
Reconnect wait time (secs): 0
Count of reconnect tries: 5
Wake Command: <Checked>
Wake command for slaves: <Blank>
Capture Cards
I need to keep running [# /sbin/modprobe saa7134] before starting Myth - I should do something about this...

If no capture cards are in the list AND you are using a PAL base LifeView FlyVideo 2000 capture card, try these settings - they worked for me:

Capture Card Setup

Card Type: Standard V4L capture card
Video Device: /dev/video0
VBI Device: /dev/vbi
Audio device: /dev/dsp
Audio sampling rate limit: (None)
Do not adjust volume: <Unchecked>
Default Input: Television

In stating the above, I'm not yet getting sound so I may need to twiddle with the Audio Device settings or something.

Video Sources


Select 'Create a New Video Source' and give it the following attributes

Video Source Name: XMLTV 5.33 Source
XMLTV listings grabber: New Zealand
tv_grab_nz: Configuration will be run in the terminal window
Channel frequency table: newzealand

Clicking finish brings up a progress bar within the setup utility, you'll need to <Alt>+<Tab> to the terminal window and allow it to download the list of available channels

Terminal Window

Do you wish to overwrite the old configuration (y/N)?

If you respond 'Yes' then you'll download the latest files & settings.

Do you wish to download tv1 (Y/n)?
Do you wish to download tv2 (Y/n)?
Do you wish to download tv3 (Y/n)?
Do you wish to download tv4 (Y/n)?
Do you wish to download primetv (Y/n)?

Choosing 'No' will exit the application. Use <Alt>+<Tab> to get back to the setup utility. Use <Ecs> to jump back to the main setup screen

At this point, I exited the setup utility so I could check latest listings data. Once happy with the listings, you need to populate the Myth database using the following command:

$ mythfilldatabase

This may take awhile, be patient and once completed, go back into the setup utility:

$ mythtvsetup
Input Connections
[ V4L : /dev/video0 ] (Television) -> XMLTV 5.33 Source
... ...
All your other video devices will be listed here
... ...

Highlight the Television device and hit <Enter>

Connect source to input

Capture device: [ V4L : /dev/video0 ]
Input: Television
Video Source: XMLTV 5.33 Source
Select this from the list of video sources available and configured in #3
Input Preference: 0
External channel change command: <Blank>
Preset tuner to channel: <Blank>
Starting channel: 3

Hit finish and then <Esc> out to the main menu

Channel Editor

Channel Options - Common

Channel Name:Prime
Channel Number:5 Video Source:XMLTV 5.33
Callsign:1001 TV Format:PAL
<Checked>Visible   <Unchecked>Commercial Free   Rank:0
Icon: /video/icons/Prime.gif
Video Filters: <Blank>
Playback Filters: <Blank>

Channel Options - Video 4 Linux
Frequency ID: 1
Finetune: 0
Contrast: 32768
Brightness: 32768
Colour: 32768
Hue: 32768

Channel Options - Common

Channel Name:TV1
Channel Number:1 Video Source:XMLTV 5.33
Callsign:1002 TV Format:PAL
<Checked>Visible   <Unchecked>Commercial Free   Rank:0
Icon: /video/icons/TV1.gif
Video Filters: <Blank>
Playback Filters: <Blank>

Channel Options - Video 4 Linux
Frequency ID: 2
Finetune: 0
Contrast: 32768
Brightness: 32768
Colour: 32768
Hue: 32768

Channel Options - Common

Channel Name:TV2
Channel Number:2 Video Source:XMLTV 5.33
Callsign:1000 TV Format:PAL
<Checked>Visible   <Unchecked>Commercial Free   Rank:0
Icon: /video/icons/TV2.gif
Video Filters: <Blank>
Playback Filters: <Blank>

Channel Options - Video 4 Linux
Frequency ID: 4
Finetune: 0
Contrast: 32768
Brightness: 32768
Colour: 32768
Hue: 32768

Channel Options - Common

Channel Name:TV3
Channel Number:3 Video Source:XMLTV 5.33
Callsign:1003 TV Format:PAL
<Checked>Visible   <Unchecked>Commercial Free   Rank:0
Icon: /video/icons/TV3.gif
Video Filters: <Blank>
Playback Filters: <Blank>

Channel Options - Video 4 Linux
Frequency ID: 5
Finetune: 0
Contrast: 32768
Brightness: 32768
Colour: 32768
Hue: 32768

Channel Options - Common

Channel Name:TV4
Channel Number:4 Video Source:XMLTV 5.33
Callsign:1004 TV Format:PAL
<Checked>Visible   <Unchecked>Commercial Free   Rank:0
Icon: /video/icons/TV4.gif
Video Filters: <Blank>
Playback Filters: <Blank>

Channel Options - Video 4 Linux
Frequency ID: 9
Finetune: 0
Contrast: 32768
Brightness: 32768
Colour: 32768
Hue: 32768

Configure automatic startup » Visit Jarods Guide »

Configuring MythTV add-ons » Visit Jarods Guide »

Upgrading your system » Visit Jarods Guide »

Miscellaneous » Visit Jarods Guide »

You'll probably need to jump in and out of Myth during the initial tweaking period to check that the channels are working for you and all appears as it should be.
I've also learned that if your TV signal is weak, then MythTV can hang up and there's not a lot you can do except for <Alt>+<Tab> to a terminal window and kill the front and backends before going back in, adjusting some settings and trying again. To kill the processes all you need to do is:

# ps -ef | grep mythbackend
# ps -ef | grep mythfrontend

This will list the process ID(s) of the MythBackend, now all you need to do is kill them:

# kill [PID Number Goes Here]

Once the backend is stopped you'll be able to configure the frontend

Changes to this Document
05/08/2004 v0.2 After a bit of a balls-up trying to compile the drivers for my saa7173 I've had to start again with a fresh install.
26/07/2004 v0.1 Started writing this guide


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