MythTV on Fedora Core 1
- a New Zealand (and Linux N00b) Perspective-

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This is a freakishly long section on Jarods guide which starts getting quite Hauppauge specific (which will be handy when my card arrives - but until then it's just you, me, Google and a guy from work called Stewart). I've had to make changes for my gear which I've attempted to document below:

The LifeView FlyVideo 2000 card (PAL)which I'm using is being difficult so, after having a look at some discussions on the Waikato Linux Users Group site I found some stuff worthy of trying. This, in conjuction with my very clever (and patient) colleague from work provided the right syntax to carry on...

# apt-get install kernel-module-saa7134-$MYKERNEL

(remembering Jarods guide where the variable $MYKERNEL was created using [ export MYKERNEL=`uname -r` ] (without the square brackets)

Do a modprobe so the system can see it. If this generates errors then you're on your own in trying to sort it out - sorry I'm just not smart enough to help, but there are others who can - check the mailing lists, and get friendly with Google

# /sbin/modprobe saa7134
A lsmod will tell you if it's loaded
# /sbin/lsmod saa7134
And now, to make sure that the tuner loads on boot, you'll need to edit your /etc/modules.conf adding the following lines:
alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-81-0 saa7134
options saa7134 oss=1 After making these changes you can either reboot or unload the driver and reload
# rmmod saa7134
Now you need to do another modprobe to load the tuner drivers.
# modprobe saa7134
Okay, let's see what's working then - we'll need a TV application, and one that I've been recommended is tvtime. I ended up installing this from the RPM files which you can find at sourceforge ( ) or, specifically for the Fedora Core 1 distro, from here ( ) I ended up using which installed without a hitch.
  • Start up TV time ( Sound & Video > TV Time )
  • Select 'Input Configuration'
  • Make sure the Video Source is set to 'Television'
  • Set the Television Standard is set to 'PAL'
  • Restart the application and choose 'Channel Management' > 'Change frequency table' and select New Zealand
  • Select 'Channel Management' > 'Scan channels for Signal'
All things being equal, you should get a couple of channels detected and hopefully you'll get sound (I'm currently using a loopback cable from TV Tuner : Audio Out -> Sound Card : Line In to achieve this.

This will not (probably) work within MythTV, you need to recompile the saa7173 driver to enable audio. We'll do that later.

I'll be back to this bit of the document to insert what I've learned some more (once I learn something) about the LifeView 2000 card.

-- End of v0.2 mods. v0.1 Documentation from this point forward --

Get and install lirc » Visit Jarods Guide »

Set up MySQL » Visit Jarods Guide »
Just follow through Jarods guide. There is one gotcha, he lists the command:
$ mysql -u root -p < /usr/share/doc/mythtv-0.14/database/mc.sql
Where it the current version (at time of writing anyway) makes it:
$ mysql -u root -p < /usr/share/doc/mythtv-0.15.1/database/mc.sql
And make sure you change ROOT_PWD to something else ;)


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