MythTV on Fedora Core 1
- a New Zealand (and Linux N00b) Perspective-

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You'll probably need to jump in and out of Myth during the initial tweaking period to check that the channels are working for you and all appears as it should be.
I've also learned that if your TV signal is weak, then MythTV can hang up and there's not a lot you can do except for <Alt>+<Tab> to a terminal window and kill the front and backends before going back in, adjusting some settings and trying again. To kill the processes all you need to do is:

# ps -ef | grep mythbackend
# ps -ef | grep mythfrontend

This will list the process ID(s) of the MythBackend, now all you need to do is kill them:

# kill [PID Number Goes Here]

Once the backend is stopped you'll be able to configure the frontend

Changes to this Document
05/08/2004 v0.2 After a bit of a balls-up trying to compile the drivers for my saa7173 I've had to start again with a fresh install.
26/07/2004 v0.1 Started writing this guide


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