MythTV on Fedora Core 1
- a New Zealand (and Linux N00b) Perspective-

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First Boot Setup » Visit Jarods Guide »
Just follow Jarods guide for this section:
  • Choose the default options
  • Enable Network Time Protocol - but type '' into the server box to get the best ntp server closest to you assigned (this can sometimes take awhile)
  • Create a user called 'mythtv'
  • Test the sound (important step, no point getting frustrated with MythTV and your tuner if in fact it's your sound card which isn't playing nicely)
The only changes I'd suggest to Jarrods guide are to point out that you should assume root privileges from a terminal session by using su - which will bring across the rights paths to commands and make life somewhat easier.

Change the runlevel
I managed to break this box quite a few times during the many attempts I've had at getting Myth running and one of the things which was suggested to me was to set the machine to boot to text only mode from which I could log in locally. If I then needed to run the X environment for local graphical goodness, I simply type startx

From KDE / X start up a terminal window and type su -
From grub, hit 'c' to load a command prompt

Now to edit the startup file, type vi /etc/inittab changing the line id:5:initdefault: to id:3:initdefault:.

<Esc> :wq <Enter> will save these changes for the next reboot, so if anything goes wrong, at least you can login remotely and try to fix it from an SSH session.

Checking the logs for errors
Stuff goes wrong. In my many visits to Linux community pages, forums and email lists I've seen a number of signatures from other posters, the one which has stuck with me goes something like "Linux is user friendly, it's just very choosy about who it's friends are..." a truer word was never spoken, and, because stuff goes wrong, it pays to keep an eye on your error messages.

To do this simply use the following command in a terminal window somewhere (or an alternate console using <Alt> + <F1>...<F4>)

# tail -F /var/log/messages

Jarods guide covers installing Ethernet drivers next, a step I didn't need to take as I'm not running an nForce2 based board.

Onward - making sure you're upto date...

Get apt & update the installed packages » Visit Jarods Guide »

Just use the instructions in Jarods guide here - but here's a tip, open a browser on your Myth box and set Jarods (and this guide?) up in your bookmarks, you'll be doing a lot of copy / pasting to terminal windows in the next wee while.
You may want to close your browser after setting these bookmarks to ensure they get written, a reboot of my machine has failed to save these settings for me before.

Remember, the syntax for terminal commands is, commands preceded by a '#' are run as root (using 'su -' from the terminal window) commands preceded by a '$' are run as the local user (in this case 'mythtv').

Off you go to Jarods guide, be sure to read and heed the warnings [Tip - in 'vi' you can use '/' to search (without the single quotes of course). Just tap '/' then type your search phrase (e.g. '/' 'kde-redhat' <Enter>). Write and save your changes by hitting <Esc> ':wq'.

Have another coffee, the update I did from a clean install required 209MB of files and took 1h 25m to come down (that's 40.9kB/s - one of the hazards of living this far from the rest of the world). I'll see you back here for the next step.

Get and install custom ATrpms kernel » Visit Jarods Guide »

I didn't deviate from Jarods guide here, mainly because I was scared :) - but also because this leads into the pre-packaged stuff that makes setting up the Myth box a lot easier. Given time, patience and a better understanding of how Myth hangs together, I'll probably get a bit bolder in the future.

Get and install video card drivers » Visit Jarods Guide »
So - if you've got this far, you've survived the reboot into the new kernel. First things first - set the environment variable MYKERNEL as per Jarods instructions. Start a root session ('su -' from a terminal window) and type the following command:
# export MYKERNEL=`uname -r`
Since I am running an nVidia card on this system, we can follow the first bit of this section from Jarod and install the latest nVidia drivers.
apt-get install kernel-module-nvidia-graphics6106-$MYKERNEL
# apt-get install nvidia-graphics6106
Actually, they aren't the latest drivers, but for safteys sake - we'll stick with them until later... Now it's time to twiddle with the /etc/X11/XF86Config file. Add Load "v4l" in the "Module" section And here's a snippet of the Device section of my /etc/X11/XF86Config file ----------- INSERT SNIPPET HERE -------------------
Get and install ALSA » Visit Jarods Guide »

Well, I'm not getting any sound inside Myth so I'm unsure if this is an ALSA thing, but I'll be back to update this section


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